
One cloud consultants building journey...


One cloud consultants building journey...

My go to Kubernetes tools

After working with the popular and still growing container management platform, I’ve had the opportunity to use several different management tools. Here’s my current favorites. OpenLens A GUI and open source K8s management tool. Works well with a small number of clusters (10 clusters can be added/pinned to the “hotbar”). This tool has the ability […]

What I’ve learn working with EKS and Kubernetes RBAC

RBAC or Role-based Access Control, is a key feature of Kubernetes (a.k.a. k8s) that provides access control by roles and role bindings. A role will be defined with a set of api_groups (“” for default, “apps”, “autoscaling”, “batch”, “extensions”, “”, “”,””,”, resources (pods, deployments, namespaces, secrets, persistentvolumes, configmaps, nodes), and vebs (create, get, delete, list, […]

I forgot my password!

If you are like me you have a ton of accounts with username/password required to access the service/site. A couple of years ago I started using a password manager (LastPass) and have reset all my accounts with a crazy random/complex password/passphrase. I now only have a single password to remember, the one for my vault. […]

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