
One cloud consultants building journey...


One cloud consultants building journey...

The WinRM secret you’re not using

Hello again (yes it’s been awhile sense my last post).

Working on a script for work I came across an interesting behavior of WinRM. When I attempt to connect to a domain controller of a non-trusted domain and I use a samAccountname [domain\username] I get the following (and typical) error:


The $sam cred looks like:


…BUT if I use UPN the Invoke-Command works:


The $upn looks like:


The client computer is a member of a domain but not the “” domain…I’ve tested this from a workgroup computer and it fails…

Next time your having WinRM issues give this a try…let me know how it goes. I’d love to hear if it works for you as well.

Happy scripting,



So after doing some further testing geeking, I’ve found that using the UPN works around the configuration needed for CredSSP to connect to SharePoint (as listed here).

AND…this works for a WORKGROUP computer if you run:

Set-Item WSMan:\localhost\Client\TrustedHosts -Value “*” -Force (from an elevated shell)

This has been a great find for me. Now it’s beer:30  🙂

The WinRM secret you’re not using
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