
One cloud consultants building journey...


One cloud consultants building journey...

Year: 2022

What I’ve learn working with EKS and Kubernetes RBAC

RBAC or Role-based Access Control, is a key feature of Kubernetes (a.k.a. k8s) that provides access control by roles and role bindings. A role will be defined with a set of api_groups (“” for default, “apps”, “autoscaling”, “batch”, “extensions”, “”, “”,””,”, resources (pods, deployments, namespaces, secrets, persistentvolumes, configmaps, nodes), and vebs (create, get, delete, list, […]

I forgot my password!

If you are like me you have a ton of accounts with username/password required to access the service/site. A couple of years ago I started using a password manager (LastPass) and have reset all my accounts with a crazy random/complex password/passphrase. I now only have a single password to remember, the one for my vault. […]

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