
One cloud consultants building journey...


One cloud consultants building journey...

My go to Kubernetes tools

After working with the popular and still growing container management platform, I’ve had the opportunity to use several different management tools. Here’s my current favorites.


A GUI and open source K8s management tool. Works well with a small number of clusters (10 clusters can be added/pinned to the “hotbar”).

This tool has the ability to connect to pods and view logs, but needs a extension installed. My process to add is to press command+shift+e (Mac) or control-shift-e (Windows) to get the extension UI and add the @alebcay/openlens-node-pod-menu to the list and click install. (note: I usually have to close OpenLens and re-open)

With the extension installed, I’m able to use context options:


K9s is a shell-base UI that can provide some great resource utilization info:

I’ve been using these tools for awhile now and really find them helpful.
I hope you find this information useful.
Happy building!


My go to Kubernetes tools
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